Decision Session – Executive Member for



18 January 2022

Report of the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning



Acknowledgement of receipt of petitions




1.        To acknowledge receipt of two petitions and to present options for addressing the concerns raised.




2.        The Executive Member is asked to:

Note the petitions and updates given in this report, and to consider whether to approve the proposed way forward for the resolution of the items raised in the petitions.


Reason:  Because appropriate actions to address the concerns raised can be appropriately considered and developed to achieve satisfactory outcomes




3.        Two petitions have been received (see Annex A for copies of the front pages) regarding:


·           Irwin Avenue and Malton Avenue (presented by Councillor Douglas at Full Council on 21st October 2021), and

·           Black Dike Lane / Manor Close (presented by Councillor Hook at Full Council on 21st October 2021).


4.        Irwin Avenue / Malton Avenue:

·        Residents have raised strong concerns about danger to residents due to speeding traffic on the two streets and request that consideration be given on how the streets can be made safer.

·        Residents would prefer blocking off of Irwin Avenue as a through road from Dodsworth Avenue and to make the junctions at Dodsworth Avenue and Malton Avenue onto Heworth Green left turn only.


5.        Discussions between Transport officers and Councillors Douglas and Perrett on 29th September highlighted that residents consider that displacement of traffic onto Dodsworth Avenue due to projects elsewhere is causing an increase of traffic on Dodsworth Avenue and queuing back from the junction with Heworth Green. This queuing is resulting with vehicles choosing to cut through via Irwin Avenue as this is a more attractive and quicker option. The openness of Irwin Avenue (parking is off road) allows for vehicles to pass through at increased speed, despite the 20mph speed limit.


6.        Concerns about speeding on Irwin Avenue have already been raised by residents with North Yorkshire Police, who are reviewing the matter through the Speed Management Protocol process (SMP, YK2112660 May 2021) and is awaiting data collection. This is the recognised process for dealing with speed concerns and the outcome of the SMP review will determine the requirements for any engineering measures.


7.      Other measures, such as those suggested by residents, can be considered as part of the Speed Management Programme in 2022/23 but should be considered alongside any recommendations from the outcome of the SMP review.


8.      Black Dike Lane / Manor Close:

·        Residents have raised concerns about road safety (risk of serious accident) due to vehicles driving at an inappropriate speed and increasing volume of traffic, especially larger vehicles, using the route.

·        The petition further explains that Black Dike Lane is a narrow country lane / part residential. The road has a blind bend and no footpaths. Residents consider that the lane is unsafe for pedestrians, especially children and a few wheelchair users, and for horse riders who regularly use the lane.


·        Residents ask the Council to address these concerns by including speed reduction, restricting access for large vehicles, and possibly introducing a gated closure of the lane at the A59 junction.


9.        Traffic levels and speeds on Black Dike Lane and more generally through Poppleton were considered during the planning and delivery of the Poppleton Bar Park & Ride site and A59/A1237 roundabout improvement scheme in 2012. Surveys undertaken at that time indicated that the majority (70%) of vehicles using Black Dike Lane had an origin or destination in Poppleton. A temporary ‘No Vehicles Except for Access’ restriction was put in place during the construction works to discourage additional traffic using Black Dike Lane when queue lengths on the A59 were expected to be longer. The potential to introduce this on a permanent basis could be considered following updated survey work.


10.    A speed concern has separately been raised with NYP by a resident of Black Dike Lane, with reference to the issue being “excessive speed by vehicles entering a blind bend on a single track road with no footpath, after bend drivers will accelerate hard to 60 limit (single lane with no footpath) or even in the 30 limit towards the village”. This complaint will be considered through the SMP process, although speed data is still to be collected. Thereafter the review by NYP will determine if further action is required.


11.    Any recommendations from NYP could be taken forward under the Speed Management or Danger Reduction programme as a scheme in 2022/23 and give due consideration to the other concerns raised.


12.    Subsequent to the receipt of the petition, a separate email has been received from Poppleton Parish Council via Councillor Hook, which further highlights the issues being experienced by residents and provides suggestions by the Parish Council on how to remedy these issues. The emails are provided in Annex B.




13.    No consultation is required at this stage. Details will be confirmed at the next stage in the process.






14.    Option 1 – note the petitions and the updates on responses / action taken so far.


15.    Option 2 – note the petitions and add the issues to the proposed 2022/23 programmes for further investigation and development of potential solutions.


16.    Option 2 is the recommended action.


Council Plan


17.    This report helps ensure the Council achieves its objectives of:

·        Getting around sustainably

·        A greener and cleaner city

·        Safe communities and culture for all

·        Good health and wellbeing, and

·        An open and effective council




18.    This report has the following implications:

·           Financial – subject to approval and prioritisation against other schemes the feasibility studies and works could be developed and funded through the 2022/23 capital programme.

·           Human Resources (HR) - none

·           Equalities – improvements could be made to improve road safety for vulnerable road users.

·           Legal - none

·           Crime and Disorder  - none     

·           Information Technology (IT) - none

·           Property - none

·           Other - none


Risk Management


19.    None. Details will be confirmed at the next stage in the process.



Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


David Mercer

Acting Transport Projects Manager


Tel No. 01904 553447


Co-Author’s Name


Dept Name

Tel No.

James Gilchrist

Director of Environment, Transport and Planning



Report Approved










Wards Affected:  Heworth and Rural West York







For further information please contact the author of the report



Background Papers:







Annex A – front cover of petitions

Annex B – email from ward member and parish council


List of Abbreviations Used in this Report


SMP – Speed Management Protocol

NYP – North Yorkshire Police